Josh Mandel, MD, Chief Architect, Microsoft Healthcare and SMART Health IT


Josh Mandel, MD reviews paradigms for consumer access to health data, with a particular focus on the SMART on FHIR API ecosystem envisioned by the 21st Century Cures Act, as well as SMART Health Cards for consumer-mediated sharing of COVID-19 immunizations and labs. He discusses some of the challenges of rolling out consumer data access at scale and review the current landscape.

About the Presenter

Dr. Josh C. Mandel is a physician and software developer working to fuel an ecosystem of health apps with access to clinical and research data. As Chief Architect for Microsoft Healthcare, Chief Architect for SMART Health IT and lecturer at the Harvard Medical School Department of Biomedical Informatics, Dr. Mandel works closely with the standards development community to lay the groundwork for frictionless data access, authorization, analytics and app integration. He led the development of the SMART specification and launched the Clinical Decision Support Hooks project. As a member of the national Health IT Standards Committee, Dr. Mandel showed a special interest in tools and interfaces that support software developers who are new to the health domain.